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Sunnyside Su's Sweet Potato Toasts

Are you tired of the same old toast in the morning? Looking for a gluten-free hack that’s both delicious and nutritious? Say hello to sweet potato toasts! These vibrant slices offer a creative twist to your breakfast or lunch routine, packed with flavour and endless topping possibilities. Let’s dive into the world of sweet potato toasts and discover how you can elevate your breakfast, lunch or snacks with this simple yet versatile dish. I got this idea from Pamela LaPointe, a healthy lifestyle coach with fabulous recipe ideas

What is a sweet potato toast?

Funny you should ask! A sweet potato toast is a thick slice of sweet potato baked until just tender and used as a base for toppings such as guacamole, egg salad, hummus, sautéed spinach, mushrooms, you name it!

How To Make Sweet Potato Toasts: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating your own sweet potato toasts is easier than you think! Follow these simple steps to enjoy a wholesome and satisfying breakfast:

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Toppings of your choice (avocado, eggs, hummus, nut butter, guacomole, sautéed spinach, mushrooms etc.

  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, herbs, etc.)

Step 1: Selecting and Slicing the Sweet Potatoes

Start by choosing firm and medium-sized sweet potatoes. Wash them thoroughly and slice them into 1/2 inch thick pieces.

Step 2: Baking the Sweet Potato Toasts

Place them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in a 400F oven for 5-8 minutes and then flip for another 4-5 minutes on the other side. I usually brush them with coconut oil and sprinkle on some garlic powder or rosemary or other herbs. Pull them out when the centre is just barely crunchy as they will continue to cook when you pull them out. Place on a wire rack.

Step 3: Topping Time!

Once your sweet potato toasts are ready, it’s time to get creative with toppings. From classic avocado and eggs to sweet nut butter drizzles, the options are endless. Let your taste buds guide you in creating your ultimate sweet potato toast masterpiece.

Step 4: Season and Serve

Don’t forget to sprinkle your sweet potato toasts with your favourite seasonings. A pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, or a sprinkle of herbs can enhance the flavours even more. Serve your toasts warm and enjoy them as a delightful morning treat or for lunch or a snack.

Why Sweet Potato Toasts Are a Must-Try

  • Gluten-Free Goodness: For individuals looking to avoid gluten, sweet potato toasts offer a tasty alternative to traditional bread.

  • Nutrient-Rich: Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a healthy choice for breakfast.

  • Versatile and Exciting: With endless topping combinations, sweet potato toasts allow you to get creative and experiment with different flavours.

  • Satisfying and Filling: The natural sweetness and fibre content of sweet potatoes help keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.

Sweet Potato Toasts Inspiration

Need some inspiration to kickstart your sweet potato toast journey? Here are a few topping ideas to spark your creativity:

  • Avocado and Cherry Tomatoes: Creamy avocado slices paired with juicy cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of sea salt.

  • Egg and Spinach: Top your sweet potato toast with a poached egg, fresh spinach leaves, and a drizzle of sriracha for a spicy kick.

  • Almond Butter and Banana: Spread creamy almond butter on your toast and add slices of ripe banana for a sweet and satisfying treat.

  • Almond Butter and a sprinkle of Cinnamon....or Almond Butter, a Tomato slice and a Basil leaf

  • Hummus and Roasted Chickpeas: Slather your toast with hummus and top it with crunchy roasted chickpeas for a flavourful twist.

In Conclusion

Say goodbye to boring breakfasts [or lunches or snacks] and welcome the vibrant and delicious world of sweet potato toasts into your day. Whether you are gluten-free, looking to add more nutrients to your diet, or simply seeking a fun and innovative breakfast, lunch or snack option, sweet potato toasts are a fantastic choice. Get creative, experiment with different toppings, and savour the delightful flavours of this nutritious and satisfying dish. Sweet Potato Toasts: the breakfast/lunch/snack hack you never knew you needed!

Embrace the toast revolution and enrich your day with a colourful and flavourful note with sweet potato toasts!

Now, it’s your turn to slice, toast, and top your way to breakfast/lunch/snack bliss. Are you ready to elevate your day with this gluten-free delight?

Let the sweet potato toasts awaken your taste buds and transform your gluten-free game!

Thank you for joining me on this flavourful journey!

SEO Keywords:

Sweet potato toasts, gluten-free hacks

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